- Trading Spaces (before Ty left the show to pursue a DUI and emotional, giant bus reveals)
- A Dating Story (friends setting up friends on blind dates never works out, it's awesome)
- What Not To Wear (never can go wrong with this one. They have been single-handedly keeping wide leg, dark denim in business)
- Jon & Kate Plus 8 (before Kate got plastic surgery, starting wear heels EVERYWHERE, and when episodes did not revolve around a trip to somewhere exotic, Kate having to hold an insect, screaming bloody murder and insulting a worker)

But here's the thing: most extreme couponers that they show on TV are pretty unhealthy, and stock up on ridiculous items, like candy and 4,000 tubes of toothpaste. They boast that they save their family thousands of dollars a year, by merely organizing, scouring the earth for coupon clippings for 60 HOURS A WEEK. I would say maybe getting a full time job could save your family even more money...no child can nap for 60 hours/week. Coupon mom's, refer to my last post, don't forget you have children.
All that to say, I have become an Extreme Couponer. Okay, not really. Phew. I feel like there is the normal, I'm-Going-To-Keep-My-Eye-Out-For-The-Normal-Things-You-Would-Already-Buy. Exhibit A for me is hairgel. I go through like a tube & a half a week. I recently found a deal of a lifetime online and ordered 30. Yep, 30. My roommates were about to call TLC. I should be set until July. But, last week, I went to the store and saw hair gel marked down EVEN more, so I couldn't resist. Then, I found canned pumpkin, which I use almost ever week in baking muffins, and sometimes is expensive/in a drought, on extreme clearance for 79 cents- BAM!! Holla! So I took a picture to expose my insanity.
Really, I just think TLC started Extreme Couponers, just to ensure they would have seasons of Hoarders to come.
using one show to generate need for another show....these TLC people are even smarter than I thought! (Ps. I tried to be an extreme couponer yesterday, and by that I mean I flipped through the paper while we were in line at the store, and I failed. Nothing I have ever bought, or will ever buy was featured on a coupon. How do these people do it?! I could start stocking up on cat litter just in case I guess....)