Friday, January 14, 2011

Shall Wii Dance?

New Years Eve is usually lame to me- anyone else agree? It's always a big build up to have these really exciting plans, but the weather's always crappy, there are too many sequins involved and dinner out is an expensive nightmare. Thankfully we had a fun night at Amanda & Greg's that included dinner, snacks, lots of dip, Cheryl's cookies and Wii Dance 2, the greatest game ever invented, ever.

My mom bought me the game for Christmas and I feel like she changed my life. Here are a few views of the crew playing. You mirror the dancer on the game and it's not as easy as it looks, so there is lots of laughing at people involved. Not to mention, you get sweaty and sore. Seriously.
Meredith looks too cute here, I think she was still getting the hang of shaking it.
Amanda was really getting into it. Her inner-cheerleader was coming out.
And Amy wins for best expression.

We played at a YL training this past week and I swear we could have filmed a commercial for Nintendo. Please notice how many guys were doing this. So the first row would have the controllers and be competing and the rest were just in it for the moves. Hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. you lost me at "too many sequins"....what does this expression mean? I'm not familiar with the concept..... ;)

    But I LOVE some Just Dance. And have you tried Dance Central for XBox Kinect? It is CRAZY fun.
