I'm not going to go on and on about pinterest, because you either are on it and you're pinning til your daddy takes your pinterest away or you're living in the 20th century and simply blogging about it won't convince you. Pinterest quickly replaced my tags on google reader, and it's an a great inspiration for home decor, recipes, style, anything really.
Recently, my bff Mary was asking a friend of hers if she was on pinterest.com, and she responded:
"I'm neither a gay man nor a stay-at-home-mom, so no."
Ohhhh... that stings. Mary and I are also neither of those, but we are still, #duh pinning. All I do is pin pin pin, no matter what.... okay you picking up on what I'm doing? There are lots of "pinisms" like things that you constantly see on pinterest.com. Kind of annoying.
- References to "pinning" from culture, popular songs (aka what I've been doing this whole post).
- The phrase "Keep Calm and Carry On" and every possible parody of it. Woof. No one should own this phrase in art form, on a coffee mug, note pad or a dog sweater.
- Pictures of naked people that are "artsy." Yeah right. (That one is for Mattie).
- Phrases like "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels", "Fast 100 Workouts" and "You're lapping everyone on the couch". News flash, we're all on the couch right now. And I don't know about you, but mostly naked pictures of women don't inspire me.
- Lots of pictures of kids, saying something about sorry for the mess, we're making memories.
- Audrey Hepburn quotes about being happy.
- Instructions on how to make every form of pom poms (which I highly enjoy).
- And everything in yellow and gray. Which I am guilty of contributing to. My high school girls (who I convinced to get on pinterest) noticed the gray and yellow theme and now make fun of me for it.
i mean you are tooo cute!